Category Archives: clean room flooring
Choosing the Right Sustainable Flooring
Here, the experts at SelecTech look at two of the top reasons to place FreeStyle sustainable flooring at the top of your list.
Flooring for Labs [A Podcast with Tom]
Does the flooring industry have you confused? Check out this podcast with Tom for a little clarification!
Also posted in cleanroom flooring, Floating Floors, flooring for laboratories, flooring for labs, Healthcare Flooring, Lab flooring, laboratory flooring
Tagged clean room flooring, cleanroom flooring, commercial flooring, ESD flooring, flooring for healthcare, flooring for hospitals, flooring for laboratories, flooring for labs, FreeStyle, healthcare flooring, healthcare floors, lab flooring, laboratory flooring, liquid tight vinyl flooring, selectech, water proof flooring, water tight flooring, waterproof flooring, watertight flooring
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Clean Room Flooring: The Truth in Static
As a leader in innovative clean room flooring, SelecTech delves into the truths behind anti and static control flooring systems.
Why Proper Flooring for Laboratories is Imperative
Laboratory flooring is often overlooked and underrated when it comes to employee safety. That is until we arrived.
Also posted in cleanroom flooring, floating floors, flooring for laboratories, flooring for labs, FreeStyle, Lab flooring, laboratory flooring, SelecTech
Tagged floor for labs, flooring flor labs, flooring for laboratories, flooring for labs, floorings for labs, FreeStyle, lab flooring, laboratory flooring, SelecTec
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The Perfect Lab Flooring for Your Clean Room
A clean room defined is a space of particular standards utilized particularly for laboratory work. However, clean rooms can also be used when making precision parts for electronics or the aerospace industries. These spaces are designed to maintain low levels of foreign elements like dust, airborne organisms, or vaporized particles. Typically, they […]
Considering New Flooring for Labs or Clean Rooms? Ask These Questions
How often do you think about lab flooring? As a clinician, you may think about flooring when your back or feet hurt after a long day of standing or if there’s a spill or some other risk of contamination, perhaps even more if the static electricity damages an expensive piece of lab equipment in the […]