Category Archives: FreeStyle
Flooring For Schools
If you’ve ever been involved in school renovations, you understand what an immense undertaking this can be. Not only do you need to keep the safety of your students and staff at the forefront, but budget and productivity are significant elements of the project as well. Access floors are a perfect solution for any renovation, […]
Benefits of Commercial Floating Floors in Salons
When designing, or redesigning, a salon, there are three elements to keep in mind when choosing flooring: durability, maintenance, and comfort. Commercial floating floors from FreeStyle is the perfect solution for all three of these categories. This article will cover each element and go into further detail on how this flooring can benefit your salon. […]
What are Floating Floors?
If you’ve ever heard of floating floors and thought of a futuristic invention, we’re here to help clarify! Here at FreeStyle, we manufacture innovative solutions that help industries across the board better their working environments. Our floating floors are the perfect environmentally friendly solution you’ve been looking for. So, what exactly is a floating floor? […]
The Perfect Lab Flooring for Your Clean Room
A clean room defined is a space of particular standards utilized particularly for laboratory work. However, clean rooms can also be used when making precision parts for electronics or the aerospace industries. These spaces are designed to maintain low levels of foreign elements like dust, airborne organisms, or vaporized particles. Typically, they […]
Run Down from the Holiday Rush? Fix it with FreeStyle Flooring
The holiday season may be fast approaching, but the shopping season is well underway. The increased foot traffic in your retail stores is good for business, but it could be bad news for your floors. Is the increased wear and tear starting to take its toll? If so, consider replacing them with FreeStyle flooring from […]
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Tagged commercial floating floors, flooring for labs, FreeStyle, freestyle flooring
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What Makes an Eco-Friendly Company?
With our roots as a recycling company, we’ve always valued our sustainable practices, and bettering them is a top priority. As more and more people become environmentally aware, it’s even easier to make better, more eco-friendly purchases. Here at SelecTech, we go above and beyond making our products more sustainable, but we also take them […]
Also posted in Blog
Tagged commercial floating floors, FreeStyle, freestyle flooring
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